Watch this Police Officer Get Owned After He Pulls Over a Former Cop for Honking at Him
By Matt Agorist Arlington, TX — In a brief video posted to YouTube, a man claiming to be a former cop, lets an officer who pulled him over for no…
Nancy Jester: Being a Twitter Spamwhore Won’t Win You Followers
Nancy Jester Receives our Georgia Rotten Peach Award for Being a Self-Promoting Spamwhore Spam is a fact of life on the internet. We used to only be subjected to it…
Rights Flexing Siblings Defend Themselves from Bully Cops…With Fists, All Charges Dropped
By Matt Agorist Southfield, MI — Two brothers, Tywonn Mitchell, 20, and Naybon Moore, 26, were driving to Grandy’s Coney Island back in May of 2013 when they were followed…
Alleged Patient Safety Kickbacks Lead To $1 Million Settlement
By ProPublica by Marshall Allen Dr. Chuck Denham, once a leading voice for patient safety, will pay $1 million to settle civil allegations that he took kickbacks to promote a…
Dirty Dozen Georgia Sovereign Immunity Cases
Dirty Dozen Georgia Sovereign Immunity Cases As Citizens of Georgia, you may be surprised to learn that, according to exceedingly broad court interpretations of the Georgia Tort Claims Act (GTCA),…
Dear Allen Peake, Who are those Many Critics of Whom You Speak?
My Dad would often use the collective “They” when having a debate with my Mom. He would say “They said…” to which my Mom very astutely would reply, who exactly…
Bibb BOE Member Jason Downey Responds to Criticism After Counterclaim
In a very brief but highly informative post on his personal Facebook page, Bibb county Board of Education member Jason Downey issued a statement that I have pasted below. From…
NORML-Church Lady Georgia Marijuana Index. ®
Georgia NORML-Church Lady Marijuana Index. ® I thought it important to create an index so that people can more clearly understand where various power brokers stand on the issue here…
Cop Assaults Man for Filming Brutality, Stomps Phone to Destroy Evidence — Video Survived
By Cassandra Rules Amherst, MA– University of Massachusetts Amherst student, Thomas Donovan, who is majoring in legal studies and had planned to become a Massachusetts State Trooper, has filed a…
Modern Family Shows one Multitasking Mama and Made Entirely on a Mac
One of my favorite T.V. shows is Modern family on ABC. The writing is very clever and the continuous yet humorous misunderstandings never seem to get old. Although Modern family…
Gwinnett’s failure and the Inequality Among Georgia Schools
If you live in Gwinnett County, Georgia then chances are one of the wealthiest people in the county is not some CEO or lawyer but a public employee. His name…