Why Herschel Walker Could Win
An analysis of the Herschel Walker - Ralph Warnock Senate race and predictions of how it will end
Motivating Articles & Commentary
An analysis of the Herschel Walker - Ralph Warnock Senate race and predictions of how it will end
Republicans, especially in Georgia, have long been focused on the three G’s. That is to say God, guns, and gays. Not wanting to give up on a winning formula they…
For several years Republican politicians in Georgia led by Nathan Deal have been screaming from the rooftops about Georgia being named the #1 state in the country for business. I…
Buzz Brockway sponsored HR273 which called for a repeal of 17th Amendment and takes away our ability to vote directly for our U.S. Senator in the 2013-14 regular session. You…
It is good that Georgia’s 6th district voters have 18 choices in the upcoming April 18th Congressional Election because several of the 11 Republican candidates have flawed histories of flip…
This poll will be conducted from October 4 to November 3. Periodic updates will be released on Twitter to #gapol #gasen #gagov #gagop #gadems as well as weekly updates on…
I collected a list of statistics on where Georgia ranks in a lot of important categories but since it was hidden at the bottom of another article, I thought it…