It took less than a week for former Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss to land a new job at a K street lobbying firm called DLA Piper.

Congratulations to former Sen. Saxby Chambliss on his new job at K Street lobbying firm DLA Piper. The firm announced today that Chambliss is joining as a partner, a couple of days after he left the “world’s greatest deliberative body.”


Piper touts that Chambliss “was involved in several major areas of legislative and regulatory policy, with a particular focus on issues related to national defense, homeland security, cybersecurity and agriculture.”


Chambliss’s job will be to “counsel clients on a wide range of issues at the intersection of law, policy and business.” He’s not allowed to lobby the Senate for two years, but he can lobby his former House clients immediately. More likely, he’ll advise clients on lobbying strategy while not himself making “lobbying contacts.”

Sure, sure Sax…you weren’t hired for your contacts or your ability to lobby 🙄

He should have called his old pal Eric Cantor. The former Republican house majority leader that was beat in the last election on charges of crony capitalism. Cantor joined an investment bank as a vice-chairman with a seat on the board of directors as well. Keep in mind Cantor was a lawyer so what could he bring on board to an investment bank given that degree of very specialized knowledge. Cantor will receive a pay package of around $3.5 million annually to help guide them around the difficult terrain of D.C. politics. I bet he will. And as soon as his old pals in D.C. stop taking his calls he will be out on his ass. But by then the ten or so million he makes should last him a while.

I wonder what old Saxby’s salary will be? I guess he thought a six-figure for life Senate pension just wouldn’t cut it. Many in Georgia remember what he did in 2002 to get elected.  So how did a triple amputee and Vietnam war veteran lose to a chicken hawk like Chambliss?  Remember that Chambliss didn’t serve in Vietnam because he claims he had a “bad knee” I believe but actually Chambliss had sought and received five student deferments from service in Vietnam. And yet he had the balls to run this ad on a guy that served and lost limbs.

Cue the infamous ad:

Pretty disgusting stuff, right? Juxtaposing a Vietnam veteran who lost both his legs and arm to a picture of Osama Bin Laden. What’s even worse was the ad worked and Chambliss would go on to win Cleland’s seat and give the Republicans the majority in the Senate. while in the Senate Chambliss did very little of note. He is most famous for his gaffes and embarrassing fake photos he passed around of Osama Bin Laden’s death. Chambliss chose not to run for a third term for two reasons. 1) He would have likely lost in the primary. Big wigs in the state GOP were not too happy with him and he would have faced all of the same challengers that ran without him. 2) He wants to get in on the money train that Eric Cantor is now riding at Wall Street.






By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

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