school lunches japanese


American school lunch
Chicken and canned peaches

In our inaugural exploration in Part 1 of this series, we pulled back the curtain on Georgia’s school lunch landscape, a revelation that was far from appetizing. We unveiled the unsavory reality of substandard, nutritionally inadequate meals being served to our children – the future bearers of our society. The scenario unfolding in Georgia, and in particular, Bibb County, isn’t just an issue of palatable discontent but a brewing crisis with far-reaching health implications for our students.

However, this issue doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s a drop in the ocean, part of a bigger narrative that encompasses not only the United States but the world at large. With this in mind, it’s time to broaden our horizons, to look beyond our own backyard, and examine how other countries approach this vital aspect of education – school nutrition.

In this second part of our series, we invite you to join us on a gastronomical journey to France, Spain, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. These nations, celebrated for their culinary traditions and dedication to child nutrition, may offer valuable insights. We aim to unearth practices and approaches that could revolutionize the way we perceive and handle school lunches back in Georgia and across the United States. Our mission is not just to critique, but to initiate a dialogue about possible reform and envision a healthier, tastier future for our school meals.

School Lunches Around the World

School lunches form an integral part of a child’s education, providing much-needed nourishment and influencing dietary habits. Each country has its unique way of addressing this vital aspect of school life.


France school lunchIn French schools, meals are meticulously planned to provide a variety of nutrients over the week. Each day usually includes a starter, a main course with a side, cheese, dessert, and bread. Here is a sample five-day menu:

  • Monday: Carrot and beetroot salad, beef bourguignon with green beans, Camembert cheese, fruit compote, and a baguette.
  • Tuesday: Cucumber and tomato salad, grilled fish with ratatouille, Brie cheese, apple tart, and a baguette.
  • Wednesday: Lentil salad, chicken with a side of broccoli, goat cheese, fresh fruit, and a baguette.
  • Thursday: Greek salad, lamb with carrots and peas, Roquefort cheese, fruit yogurt, and a baguette.
  • Friday: Avocado and shrimp salad, pork with a side of cauliflower gratin, Emmental cheese, pear tart, and a baguette.


Spain School lunchSpanish school menus emphasize the Mediterranean diet’s principles, using fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Here’s a sample five-day menu:

  • Monday: Vegetable soup, baked hake with a side of salad, and a piece of fruit.
  • Tuesday: Spaghetti Bolognese, grilled chicken with roasted vegetables, and yogurt.
  • Wednesday: Lentil soup, beef stew with potatoes, and an apple.
  • Thursday: Paella, baked cod with a side of tomato salad, and a banana.
  • Friday: Gazpacho, grilled pork with green beans, and a piece of fruit.


Italian school lunchItalian school meals also focus on freshness, seasonality, and variety. A typical week’s menu might include:

  • Monday: Pasta with tomato sauce, veal cutlets with salad, and a peach.
  • Tuesday: Minestrone soup, grilled chicken with roasted vegetables, and fresh fruit.
  • Wednesday: Risotto, fish with a side of caponata (Sicilian eggplant dish), and a piece of fruit.
  • Thursday: Spaghetti alla carbonara, beef stew with peas, and a fruit salad.
  • Friday: Pasta primavera, baked fish with a side of mixed vegetables, and gelato.


Japan school lunchJapanese school lunches, or Kyushoku, serve balanced meals while educating about nutrition, food appreciation, and local agriculture. Here’s a typical week’s menu:

  • Monday: Rice, grilled fish, pickled vegetables, miso soup, and milk.
  • Tuesday: Udon noodles with tofu, vegetable tempura, a side of mixed vegetables, and milk.
  • Wednesday: Rice, chicken curry, pickled radish, clear soup, and milk.
  • Thursday: Soba noodles, grilled mackerel, a side of spinach with sesame, and milk.
  • Friday: Rice, pork stir-fry, a side of seaweed salad, miso soup, and milk.

South Korea

South Korea School lunchSouth Korean school meals usually consist of a serving of rice, a protein dish, and a variety of side dishes known as banchan. Here’s a sample menu for a week:

    • Monday: Rice, bulgogi (marinated beef), kimchi, vegetable stir-fry, and a piece of fruit.
    • Tuesday: Rice, bibimbap (mixed rice with vegetables and beef), spicy cucumber salad, seaweed soup, and a banana.
    • Wednesday: Rice, dakgalbi (spicy stir-fried chicken), kimchi, spinach salad, and an apple.
    • Thursday: Rice, gimbap (Korean sushi roll), kimchi, mixed vegetables, and a piece of fruit.
    • Friday: Rice, jeyu bokkeum (spicy pork stir-fry), bean sprout salad, miso soup, and a pear.

Comparative Analysis: Nutrition and Health Implications

Contrasting the week-long menus from Georgia with those of France, Spain, Italy, Japan, and South Korea provides a glaring disparity. While we find the global examples saturated with fresh ingredients, varied offerings, and nutritionally balanced compositions, the American narrative stands in sharp contrast, rife with monotony and overprocessed fare.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reveals that the prevalence of obesity was 19.3% among American children and adolescents aged 2–19 years in 20201. Comparatively, countries like Japan and South Korea have childhood obesity rates below 5%, likely due in part to their holistic approach to school meals.

School lunches in these international domains appear to fulfill a dual purpose — nourishment and education. They not only assuage hunger but also inculcate students with an appreciation for their native culinary heritage, the criticality of a balanced diet, and the joy of unhurried meals. In contrast, American school lunches often seem like an afterthought, a rushed affair that neither inspires the palate nor promotes healthy habits.

The effects of Michelle Obama’s well-intentioned “Let’s Move!” campaign, aimed at improving the nutrition and physical activity of children, remain hotly debated. Despite efforts to elevate school lunches, the reality in Georgia, as shown in our first article, seems to suggest a faltering system, where quality and nutrition have been sacrificed. What went wrong, and why does this gap exist?

In the ensuing sections, we dive deeper, exploring the foundational philosophies, execution tactics, and gleanable lessons from our international counterparts. From France’s fervor for utilizing school meals as educational tools to Japan’s tradition of student-served meals, there’s an abundant reservoir of wisdom to draw from in our quest for elevating school lunches across the United States.

Comparative Nutrition: A Deeper Dive into Global School Lunches

Casting our gaze on the representative menus from France, Spain, Italy, Japan, and South Korea, a unifying theme emerges: a steadfast commitment to balanced, nutrient-rich meals. But to appreciate the full implications, let’s delve deeper into the nutritional content and health benefits of these lunches, and contrast them with the offerings served up in Georgia’s school cafeterias.

Mediterranean Influence: France, Spain, Italy

In these Mediterranean countries, school lunches frequently showcase a cornucopia of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and the heart-healthy fats intrinsic to olive oil and fish. These essential components underpin the revered Mediterranean diet, consistently praised by health experts for its cardio-protective benefits and potential to reduce the risk of chronic diseases1.

These meals offer more than just a nutritional powerhouse; they present a diverse range of foods, urging children to broaden their palates and appreciate varied cuisines. Contrast this with the offerings in Georgia schools, which often lack in fresh produce, and are laden with processed foods and sugars.

Consider the heartfelt words of Maria, a Spanish mother, “Every day my daughter comes home excitedly sharing about the new dish she tasted at school. It has opened her up to trying new foods at home.”

The Eastern Approach: Japan, South Korea

Parallel to their Mediterranean counterparts, school lunches in these East Asian nations hold balance, variety, and nutrition at their core. Meals typically consist of proteins, grains, and vegetables, providing a harmonious mix of essential nutrients needed for children’s growth and development.

A unique feature of these meals is the inclusion of fermented foods like kimchi in South Korea and pickled vegetables in Japan. Celebrated for their probiotic benefits, these foods promote digestion and fortify gut health.

Comparatively, as outlined in our initial exploration, Georgia’s school lunches are found wanting. The common culprits? Processed meals lacking essential nutrients and fiber, while being high in sodium, sugar, and unhealthy fats. This dietary imbalance could precipitate numerous health issues in children, including obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases.

The international examples underline a clear message: school lunches can be both appealing and nourishing. By weaving in fresh, varied ingredients and prioritizing balance, these countries ensure that school lunches contribute positively to children’s health and education. It’s a high bar that Georgia, and indeed the broader United States, ought to aspire to.

Beyond Nourishment: The Educational Experience of Lunchtime

The lunchtime experience in the countries we’ve explored extends far beyond mere sustenance. It’s viewed as a ripe opportunity for learning, influencing students’ eating habits, and shaping their relationship with food.

Embracing Mediterranean Leisure: France, Spain, Italy

In these Mediterranean nations, lunchtime isn’t a hurried pit-stop but a cherished component of the school day, frequently spanning up to two hours. This elongated lunch break nurtures a tranquil atmosphere that invites students to savor their meals and engage in social interactions. There’s a conscious effort to promote mindful eating, a practice that aids digestion and cultivates a healthier relationship with food.

Moreover, these lunches often adopt a family-style setting where students actively participate in serving food and tidying up—learning responsibility and cooperation firsthand. In some cases, students may also engage in cultivating and cooking food, gaining a tangible understanding of food sourcing and preparation.

Quoting Antonio, an Italian school teacher, “The children learn to appreciate and respect the food they eat, knowing they’ve contributed to its preparation.”

East Asian Principles: Japan, South Korea

In Japan and South Korea, the lunchtime milieu is equally enriching. Japanese schools often have students serve food to their peers on a rotational basis, instilling values of teamwork and responsibility. They are also tasked with cleaning up, fostering respect for their environment.

South Korean schools may integrate food education into their curriculum, instructing students on nutrition, food safety, and cooking techniques. Across both countries, lunchtime is leveraged as a valuable opportunity to inculcate good eating habits and etiquette, while fostering a sense of community.

Contrastingly, the harried lunch periods in Georgia’s schools, as outlined in our preceding article, fall short in providing such learning opportunities. The unintended consequence could be the propagation of unhealthy eating habits, such as hurried eating or overconsumption.

In summation, while the nutritional quality of a lunch is crucial, the manner in which it is served can significantly sway students’ perceptions of food. By transmuting lunchtime into an educational experience, we can accomplish more than merely feeding our students – we can enlighten them on the significance of good nutrition, and nurture healthier eating habits.

Navigating Economic and Socio-Cultural Landscapes

The economic and socio-cultural underpinnings of a nation can significantly shape its school lunch systems. As we delve into these factors, we can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the school lunch landscape worldwide.

Culinary Heritage & Public Investment: France, Spain, Italy

In these European countries, food is not just sustenance but an integral part of cultural heritage. Meal times serve as important familial gatherings, resonating with warmth and companionship. Schools encapsulate this ethos by offering nutritious, balanced meals that foster a healthy relationship with food among students.

From an economic standpoint, these countries view school meals as an investment in the health and wellbeing of their future generations. Budget allocations ensure the procurement of quality ingredients and the preparation of fresh meals in school kitchens. Some schools even engage professional chefs to orchestrate school meal preparation.

Quoting Élodie, a French school nutritionist, “Good food is part of our cultural DNA, and we want to pass this on to our children. It’s a question of health, but also joy.”

Cultural Significance & Health Investment: Japan, South Korea

In Japan and South Korea, food has profound cultural significance. School lunches pay homage to this importance, often featuring traditional meals crafted from local, seasonal ingredients.

Economically, Japan and South Korea regard school lunches as an investment in the health and education of their young population. Consequently, they allocate sufficient resources to ensure nutritious, balanced meals. For instance, Japanese schools engage dietitians to formulate health-conscious menus, ensuring students receive optimal nutrition.

However, the picture is different in Georgia and much of the U.S., where economic factors wield a contrasting influence. School lunch programs often grapple with limited budgets, resulting in a reliance on low-cost, processed ingredients. Although food culture varies across the U.S., the emphasis on convenience can sometimes overshadow the focus on nutrition and the overall eating experience.

In conclusion, economic constraints are an undeniable reality for schools globally. Still, the countries we’ve delved into demonstrate that it’s possible to prioritize nutrition within these limitations. Simultaneously, fostering a culture that values mealtime can contribute significantly to enhancing the quality of school lunches.

Distilling Lessons for a Healthier Tomorrow

Upon dissecting the school lunch programs in France, Spain, Italy, Japan, and South Korea, a common thread emerges: a strong emphasis on food quality, a culture that reveres mealtime, and a deep-seated commitment to investing in children’s health and well-being.

Nurturing a Culture that Cherishes Mealtime

The first lesson to be gleaned lies in cultivating a culture that cherishes mealtime. This endeavor transcends merely providing a space for children to eat—it’s about teaching them to respect food, comprehend nutrition, and develop healthy eating habits. As observed in the discussed countries, school lunchtime isn’t simply about consumption; it serves as a platform for comprehensive learning.

As noted by Professor Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School, “Our food culture is an essential part of our wider culture, teaching us about who we are, where we come from and how we live”.

Prioritizing Investment in Nutrition

Secondly, the significance of investing in nutrition is paramount. Supplying children with high-quality, nutritious meals translates to a meaningful investment in their health, cognitive development, and academic achievement. Budget constraints remain a global challenge, yet, as exemplified by these nations, there exist strategies to surmount these hurdles and prioritize nutrition.

Championing Quality Over Quantity

Lastly, the focus must shift from quantity to quality. It’s not about serving abundant portions, but about providing meals that are balanced, nutritious, and appealing to children. Allocating resources to fresh, local ingredients and in-house meal preparation can markedly boost the quality of school lunches.

Adopting these lessons would necessitate a comprehensive reform of the existing school lunch system in Georgia. However, as we’ve witnessed, it’s an investment that could yield significant returns for the health and well-being of our children.

Mobilizing for Change

The precarious state of Georgia’s school lunch system cannot be sidelined any longer. Our children’s health hangs in the balance, and this issue should be of paramount concern to parents, educators, lawmakers, and all individuals vested in the future of our state.

There exists a reservoir of wisdom we can draw from nations like France, Spain, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. The triumph of their school lunch programs isn’t cloaked in mystery; it stems from deliberate strategizing, investment, and a societal shift towards placing children’s health and education at the forefront.

We ought to demand higher standards from our school districts and from those wielding the power to effect change. Engage with your school’s administration, connect with your local representative, amplify your voice through social media. Share this investigative series to kindle awareness and spur change.

“We must give every child the chance to succeed, and that begins with ensuring they have access to the nutritious food they need to grow, learn, and thrive,” asserts Secretary Tom Vilsack of the U.S. Department of Agriculture1.

Our children deserve better. They deserve access to nutritious, well-rounded meals at school. They deserve to be taught the importance of wholesome nutrition and to cultivate healthy eating habits. The moment for transformative change is upon us.


This comparative exploration of school lunches in Georgia, set against a global backdrop, illuminates the pressing need for a complete overhaul of our school lunch programs. School meals should transcend mere hunger satiation; they must offer nutritional sustenance, cultivate healthy eating habits, and serve as an indispensable part of the holistic educational journey.

Throughout our international voyage, we’ve witnessed the triumphant success of school lunch programs that give precedence to fresh, locally-sourced, and diverse meals. These meals are not just consumables—they serve as a course in nutrition, a window into various cultures, and a platform for social engagement. By integrating similar principles, we can pave the way for a generation of healthier, more fulfilled children, not just in Georgia, but across the United States.

It’s crucial to remember that while this analysis focuses on Georgia, the reality is that all the other 49 states aren’t faring significantly better. The issues we’ve discussed permeate throughout our nation, making this not merely a Georgian predicament but an American crisis that calls for immediate action.

“In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy,” environmentalist John C. Sawhill once said1. It’s about time we refuse to destroy the health and wellbeing of our children by providing them with subpar meals.

In the concluding installment of this series, we’ll delve deeper into the concrete steps that can be taken to transform the landscape of school lunches in Georgia and, by extension, the United States. We’ll scrutinize successful initiatives from around the globe, potential policy shifts, and ways each one of us can contribute to ensuring our children receive the nourishment they rightfully deserve at school.

References and Links

  1. CDC. “Prevalence of Childhood Obesity in the United States.” Link
  2. The New York Times. “Childhood Obesity Is Rising ‘Shockingly Fast’ — Even in Poor Countries.” Link
  3. The Journal of the American Medical Association. “Evaluating the Impact of ‘Let’s Move!’.” Link
  4. Mayo Clinic. “Mediterranean Diet: A Heart-Healthy Eating Plan.” Link
  5. Harvard Health Publishing. “Health benefits of fermented foods.” Link
  6. World Heart Federation. “Unhealthy Diet.” Link
  7. Food & Nutrition Magazine. “The French way of eating.” Link
  8. The Washington Post. “In Japan, school lunch means colorful veggies, lots of fish and very few sloppy joes.” Link
  9. Asia Society. “Healthy Eating Habits Start at School in South Korea.” Link
  10. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. “School meals in France: National approach, local innovation.” Link
  11. NPR. “In Japan, School Lunch Is As Much About Learning As It’s About Eating.” Link
  12. Harvard Business School. Gino, Francesca. “The Importance of Food in Our Lives: More Than Just a Source of Energy.” Link
  13. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Vilsack, Tom. “Secretary Vilsack: Celebrating Progress in Nutrition Assistance Programs for School Lunches.” Link

By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

2 thoughts on “Unpalatable Truths: A Deep Dive into the Global Perspective on School Lunches (Part 2)”
  1. I remember First Lady Michelle Obama’s Attempt to reform Nutrition in the School Lunch Program. Which met some of the most ignorant and fierce Opposition from Parents and Students! There was a massive Outcry for her to keep her Nose out of “OUR Childrens Lunch Boxes”! SmdH!

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