Google Fiber Expansion to Metro Atlanta: How About Macon?
Having lived in Japan and used fiber internet I can tell you it is very nice to have. It is not unlike the switch I made from using old dial…
Georgia Out Of Step With Antiquated Microbrewer Laws
In North Carolina brewers have been able to sell directly since the 1980s. Georgia has what’s called a “three-tier system” for alcohol. Making beer, distributing beer and retailing beer are…
Governor Deal, end the suffering
The following letter was written by Sebastien Cotte, his wife Annett and son Jagger lived in Stone Mountain before moving to Colorado as medical refugees. We contacted Mr. Cotte for…
Update on Progressive Consulting: Dallemand’s Tech Consulting Firm
Back on November 24th I reported that one of the firms that had been at the center of the spending frenzy by former gypsy superintendent Romain Dallemand called Progressive Consulting…
Haleigh’s Hope Act More Restrictive than 1980 Version of Medical Cannabis Bill
If you have been following the news on the push for medical cannabis in Georgia you are probably aware that it took a major blow when Governor Nathan Deal decided…
Why Pharma Payments to Doctors Were So Hard to Parse
By ProPublica by Charles Ornstein , Mike Tigas and Ryann Grochowski Jones This story was co-published with the New York Times’ The Upshot. You’d think drug and medical device makers…
Nathan Deal’s Re-election Pays Off for Daughter-In-Law’s Company
By David Crockett of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s re-election campaign was very good for the Deal family, and not just because the governor…
Cooper and Unterman Opposition to Medical Cannabis linked to Big Pharma Contributions
Nathan Deal effectively killed HB1 recently when he told the bill sponsor Allen Peake in a back room meeting he was opposed to in-state growing. An excellent article that explains…
An Explanation On Why Being Poor Can Be Very Expensive
I read an op-ed piece on the New York Times today about this subject and it got me thinking. A few of the reasons he cited included taxes and the…
Medical Marijuana shouldn’t be used as “Political Footballs”
(The following article was actually left as a comment but I thought it should gain more exposure by being published as an article by itself) By Jeff Deutsch This is…
What Can Be Gleaned From Ricardo Azziz Resignation
I have already written two articles on the Georgia Regents university president Ricardo Azziz, so I will not cover the same information again. You can view the details of his…
An Explanation of Bibb County Choices for System of Flexibility
Charles Richardson confirmed yet again why he received an F in my evaluation of editorials in Georgia newspapers. Today he complains that the decision has already been made about the…
Holder limits seized-asset sharing process that split billions with local, state police
The Washington Posts reports that Attorney General Eric Holder is barring local and state police from using federal law to seize cash, cars and other property without proof that a…