
Indulging in chocolate is a universal pleasure enjoyed by many, but not all chocolate is created equal. While European chocolate has long been considered superior to American chocolate, recent developments in the American chocolate industry have led to high-quality, artisanal chocolates that rival their European counterparts. In a blind taste test, the best American chocolate can hold its own against the very best European chocolate.

Why do Europeans, especially Brits, continue to criticize American chocolate? We endured years of Europeans bashing American wine until Americans proved once and for all that American wine is, in fact, far superior. Therefore, it is time to stop comparing American Hershey’s chocolate, our poorest quality, to the very best in Europe. It is unfair to count cheap chocolate produced in Europe, such as the ones sent out by Aldi, that taste like novelty chocolate toothpaste and have the same consistency. If we compare the best American chocolate to the very best European chocolate in a blind taste test, Europeans will go apoplectic and demand their scorecards back, just like they did in the Judgment of Paris. The same applies when we compare the best European chocolate sold in grocery stores to the best US chocolate sold in grocery stores.

In 1976, Europeans claimed that it was a fluke when Americans won, but it happened again year after year, and finally, everyone conceded that American wine is far better. There is no comparison. However, the Europeans cannot bring themselves to say it, so we all call it “California wine” instead of American wine. The truth is, we have better wine, better food, including chocolate, and even better skiing. Even our bread has surpassed the over-baked loaves of French bread sold in Paris bakeries and all over France. French bakers are trying to “educate” the French that French bread is supposed to be burnt, but even the French are resisting that lesson and want a lighter loaf they can reheat at home without it turning to stone. As someone who has traveled extensively, I can confirm that our “Take and Bake” baguette from The Piggly Wiggly is better than the rock-hard burnt baguette at Boulangerie Utopie in Paris.

It is exhausting to hear Europeans constantly trash the USA. It seems like their hobby. We have proven ourselves in the world of wine, and it is time to do the same with chocolate. The best American chocolate is just as good, if not better, than the best European chocolate. It is time to put this debate to rest and celebrate the quality of American chocolate.

There are thousands of American chocolatiers making delicious chocolate. Here are just a few that I highly recommend and are guaranteed to be as good if not better than anything Europe has to offer.

Chuao Chocolatier Share the Love Assorted Mini Gourmet Chocolate Bars

Truffle Fudge Bites 8 Piece Assortment Box by John Kelly

Vosges Haut-Chocolat Pink Himalayan Salt, 3oz Bar

Bonnie & Pop Chocolate Gift Basket, Candy Food Gifts Arrangement Platter, Gourmet Snack Box



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By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

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