Screen Shot 2014 12 13 at 3.06.56 PM 1Deputy Chris Brewer. The "drug czar" of Laurens County
Deputy Chris Brewer. The "drug czar" of Laurens County
Deputy Chris Brewer. The “drug czar” of Laurens County

In an interesting development I decided to do a bit of good ole fashioned research about Chris Brewer, the deputy and self-described “Drug Czar” of Laurens County Georgia who is at the center of the killing of David Hooks. Brewer was the genius that decided to take the word of a meth head to pursue a warrant that resulted in the killing of an innocent man. It appears Chris Brewer has a long history of people questioning his tactics and indeed his integrity as an officer of the law. The story below is 13 years old.

I wonder how many other instances there are of complaints by fellow officers and the public have been filed against the Laurens County “Drug Czar” over the years. I would be beyond shocked if the incident below or the recent bungled drug raid resulting in the killing of David Hooks were close to being the only complaints lodged against Chris Brewer.

Do you know more instances or complaints lodged against Chris Brewer or others within the Laurens County, GA Sheriff’s department? Let us know because the public has a right to know.

Had Chris Brewer been fired 13 years ago David Hooks would still be alive today. The District Attorney back then was afraid to take cases by Brewer to court because he apparently was afraid that Brewer would  commit perjury and his cases were very questionable according to quotes by D.A. Walke in the the the Dublin Courier Herald article below. “I have long been dissatisfied with the work of certain elements within the local drug squad,” said Walke. 

The more things change the more they stay the same it seems. Perhaps the investigative agencies need to review all of Brewers former cases. If this history of the arrogance and seeming incompetence of Deputy Chris Brewer below outrages you (and it will), please take a few seconds to sign this petition and have Chris Brewer suspended from Laurens County for his role in the death of David Hooks as well as so many other cases stretching back well over a decade. Also please share this petition on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

Petition to Suspend Deputy Chris Brewer


The Courier Herald – District Attorney responds to suit filed by office Local headline

Dublin District Attorney RalphWalke said Thursday he wanted to respond to a lawsuit filed against him by a member of the Dublin-Laurens County Drug Team to assure the people of this circuit he will continue toperform his duties as district attorney in amanner that is both legal and ethical.Walke said in a press conference he believed the lawsuit filed against him both personally and as District Attorney by Laurens County Sheriffs Deputy Christopher Brewer stemmed from an investigation began by the “Georgia Bureau of Investigation on Sept. 13, 2000 of allegedly illegal activities on the part of the law enforcement officers arising from an incident on July 9, 1999 related to a drug investigation.”Brewer filed suit against Walke Monday alleging Walke had committed libel and slander against him as well as breached his contract as district attorney because he refused to prosecute any case investigated by Brewer.Walke said he could not “in the interest of justice, prosecute cases based on testimony of incredible and/or uncooperative witnesses.”“Unless we enforce the laws to apply to everyone, we cannot achieve justice,” said Walke. “Where it has come to my attention that any officer’s credibility is tainted or suspect, it is my sworn duty to report that problem to his or her superiors.”He said the GBI as part of its investigation had requested certain law enforcement officers to take a polygraph concerning their involvement in the July 9, 1999 incident relating to a drug investigation and that it is his understanding only one agreed to take the test. Walke said the investigation has been delayed two years because of the failure of local officers to cooperate. Walke then called on Laurens County Sheriff Kenny Webb to press his officers involved in the investigation to cooperate with the GBI and submit to the polygraph test.

Webb said this morning he felt it was improper for him or anyone else to discuss a case where litigation is still pending, but he felt his office had been very cooperative with the GBI.

“As far as any of our officers not being cooperative with the GBI, that’s a question that should be addressed to the GBI,” said Webb. “I think you’ll find the length of time the case has taken to investigate had nothing to do with us being uncooperative.”

In fact, Webb said, “I’m the one that asked them to investigate the thing to start with.”

Georgia Bureau of Investigation Eastman Office Agent in Charge Lee Sweat confirmed “there’s nothing that the sheriff’s office has done to cause any delay in our investigation.”

Although Webb would not say which drug investigation took place on July 9, 1999, because “litigation is still pending on that case too,” The Courier Herald files show that on that day Thomas Clinton Coleman, owner of Coleman Pharmacy in East Dublin, along with his wife Sue and a juvenile, were arrested at 355 Trinity Road by the Dublin-Laurens Drug Unit.

A large amount of prescription drugs were found at the location, along with between $52,000 and $55,000, The Courier Herald files show.

In September 2000, a former Laurens County Sheriff’s deputy was charged with one felony county of theft by taking in association with the investigation involving Coleman’s residence.

Doug Reed, 23, of 920 Bedingfield Avenue, Rentz, was accused of theft by taking while executing a search warrant at Tommy Coleman’s residence on July 9, 1999, The Courier Herald files show.

Sweat would not comment on that case except to say that “we’ve been conducting an investigation and addressing issues that came up. We’ve referred to (the DA’s office) for prosecution the defendant in the original request we had in that case.”

Sweat did confirm that Reed was the defendant he was referring to.

Brewer’s suit against Walke shows that “on March 13, 2002 (Walke) told (Brewer’s) employer and supervisors that (Brewer) had committed perjury on at least six different occasions and subsequent to the alleged statements (Walke) had (Brewer’s) supervisor retrieve warrants prepared by (Brewer) from (Walke’s) office because (Walke) refused to prosecute the warrants solely because they were prepared by (Brewer).”

Brewer’s attorney Derek J. White of Savannah said Tuesday neither he nor Brewer knew why Walke refused to prosecute any cases prepared by Brewer. In Thursday press conference Walke explained why he could not prosecute some cases.

“I cannot, in the interest of justice, prosecute cases based on testimony of incredible and/or uncooperative witnesses. A criminal prosecution often rests solely on the ethical reputation and the credibility of the arresting or investigating officer. If a judge or a jury has reason to doubt the testimony of that officer, there will be no conviction,” Walke said. 😯 

Walke said he was making the statements “to respond to public concerns that have arisen as a result of this lawsuit and to explain the circumstances regarding the relationship between my office and certain members of the local drug squad, which undoubtedly has created the current situation.”

“I have long been dissatisfied with the work of certain elements within the local drug squad,” said Walke. “Some of the officers assigned to this unit have not cooperated with my office in the prosecution of cases initiated by them. Further, their conduct has led to the judicial dismissal of some criminal cases and to civil actions filed against Laurens County for money damages. The taxpayers of this county will bear the ultimate responsibility and expense of defending and resolving any judgments that may result.

Read more: The Courier Herald – District Attorney responds to suit filed by office Local headline


By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

6 thoughts on “Problems with Deputy Chris Brewer Go Back Many Years”
  1. Local Bibb co. SRT unit should be investigated. Too many officers planting drugs for promotional gain.

  2. This slime bag is still a cop because the war on drugs (citizens) is a lucrative business for the county. Until we remove the monitary incentive to police for profit, men like Brewer will continue to operate without accountability.

  3. I would trust Chris Brewer over Ralph Walke. He was the biggest defender of drug dealers in the county while in private practice. I arrested many drug dealers in Lauren’s county and can attest to Chris’ integrity over a piece of crao Ralph Walke.

    1. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you. Nice to know that a police officer in Laurens County is against the sixth amendment or actually can’t understand that everyone including drug dealers have a right to a defense and if Walke defended them there should be no stigma attached to that duty. I have a feeling many officers in Laurens County are going to be very grateful for the sixth amendment including Chris Brewer very shortly.

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