Georgia WorkforceGeorgia Workforce

Georgia: Home to the Country’s Unhappiest Workforce Georgia Workforce

The quest for job satisfaction is universal, with factors such as vacation time, wages, working hours, and workplace environment playing a crucial role. But, where do America’s happiest employees reside? Unfortunately, for those in Georgia, it seems they’re not in the Peach State.

A comprehensive analysis by Select Software Reviews, utilizing U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Stats America data, paints a gloomy picture for Georgia’s workforce. The state stands at the bottom of the happiness scale, with the study revealing a multifaceted crisis in job satisfaction among Georgians.

What’s Ailing Georgia’s Workforce?

The study’s “happiness index” evaluated several critical parameters: annual wages, quit rates, injury rates, commute times, PTO laws, and weekly working hours. Georgia’s cumulative score on these factors was dishearteningly low. Scoring just 29.62 out of 100, Georgia languishes at the 50th position – the lowest in the nation.

Notably, Georgia struggles with the highest quit rate nationwide at 3.6%. This alarming statistic is compounded by subpar scores in overall state happiness and an average commute time of 28.7 minutes, further diminishing job satisfaction.

Georgia Workforce
Georgia Workforce

A Southern Trend of Workplace Discontent

Georgia’s situation is not an anomaly in the South. The study uncovered a pattern of dissatisfaction across several southern states:

  • Texas, with a score of 30.36, is 49th, hindered by high workplace injuries and long workweeks.
  • Florida ranks 48th, scoring 30.46, plagued by low average wages and extended working hours.
  • South Carolina and Alabama follow closely, ranking 46th and 45th, with scores of 31.65 and 32.68, respectively.

Compensation and Benefits: A Major Concern

Fair compensation and benefits are crucial for maintaining workforce satisfaction. Georgia salaries rank in the lower half of the country. Employees who perceive themselves as underpaid or undervalued exhibit reduced effort and increased financial stress, further eroding job satisfaction​​.

Interestingly, no state achieved a happiness score above 70, indicating a nationwide trend of moderate workplace satisfaction at best.

A Glimmer of Hope: Alaska Leads in Employee Happiness

Contrasting the southern states, Alaska emerged as the leader in workplace contentment, boasting a happiness score of 69.96. Factors contributing to this high score include shorter workweeks, averaging 31.3 hours, and a commendable average annual wage of $52,000. But at the same time I am not sure how happy I would be shoveling snow for most of the year.

The Happiness Spectrum Across the States

The study’s findings showcase a wide range of job satisfaction levels across the U.S., with Alaska, Rhode Island, North Dakota, and Colorado topping the list of happiest states for employees. Meanwhile, states like Georgia, Texas, and Florida rank among the unhappiest.

Recommendations for Improving Job Satisfaction in Georgia

To improve job satisfaction in Georgia, initiatives could include enhancing public transportation to reduce commute times, embracing flexible work arrangements such as remote or hybrid models, ensuring fair compensation, and focusing on leadership development and employee engagement programs.


Georgia’s ranking as the state with the unhappiest workforce calls for a holistic approach to improving working conditions. By addressing key issues like commute times, leadership quality, and compensation, there is potential to transform the work environment and enhance overall employee satisfaction.

Top 10 Happiest States for Employees:

  1. Alaska
  2. Rhode Island
  3. North Dakota
  4. Colorado
  5. Minnesota
  6. Nebraska
  7. Maine
  8. Ohio
  9. Arizona
  10. Indiana

Top 10 Unhappiest States for Employees:

  1. Georgia
  2. Texas
  3. Florida
  4. South Carolina
  5. New York
  6. Alabama
  7. Pennsylvania
  8. Virginia
  9. New Jersey
  10. New Mexico

Sources Used

  1. WUGA. (2023). Georgia ranks last in job satisfaction nationwide due to lengthy commutes. Retrieved from
  2. (2023). Georgia ranks as No. 1 state in the entire US for least happy employees, according to report. Retrieved from
  3. Vantage Circle Blog. (2023). How can low employee engagement hurt your workplace? Retrieved from

By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

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