Today I am proud to announce that our new CIG project has officially launched. I have a static page in the menu that will always be available even as this posts becomes hidden in history as new articles are published. Join today!

CIG Project: Corruption in Georgia



Georgia ranks as the most corrupt state in the country and our politicians rank as among the most corrupt leaders. But what does that actually mean? I have decided to start the CIG Project.  I chose that name after much reflection because like cigarettes that lead to cancer, corruption is a cancer that eats away at our state.  Like cancer it will have to be removed if we are to thrive again as a state.

This website started out simply as a personal blog where I could share my musings on politics, technology, and local corruption but as time went by I began to learn  just how deeply ingrained corruption, cronyism, nepotism is intertwined in Georgia politics which is why we are failing to recover as fast as other states. It is no accident that we are dead last in unemployment.

The CIG Project will cast a wide net. We hope to look at all state and county level corruption. No politician, no agency, no bureaucracy, no donors, and no private enterprise that is benefiting from our screwed up system will be exempt from scrutiny.

With the amount of corruption that is thriving in Georgia I will need all the help I can get. I am asking all Watchdog groups, journalists, TV reporters, and individuals to join me in this effort. This page will serve as the index for the project where links to articles and categories will be added over time. Please fill out the contact form below to assist with writing or consider donating to the CIG Project as record requests are expensive.  I cannot hope to make a dent by myself given the massive scale of corruption. I need your help to clean up our beloved peach state.

What Will the CIG Project Actually Do?

We will act as a central hub for all stories gathered in one place which will mean people will not have to look on dozens of sites for hours trying to find information. In addition to adding the Title and link to this page, all stories relating to corruption will be tagged with CIG Project and a new category called CIG project will also be added to make it especially easy to find articles quickly.  All stories will need to be published on this site under your own name. It is also fine to link to your website since another purpose of this project is to connect all watchdog groups together.

Standard of Work Submitted

We want to be as factual and ethical in our writing as possible. We can’t fight corruption by taking shortcuts or being loose with the facts. This is a non-partisan effort and I welcome people from the right and left to participate. Corruption runs deep on both sides. This project will not be used as a way to seek revenge or settle personal vendettas. Incomprehensible rants will not be published. Abide by common journalistic standards. If we hope to be taken seriously we have to maintain high standards in our reporting.

How Do Join?

Simply submit your contact info to us and tell us what areas of corruption you want to write about. If you are familiar with WordPress I can grant you a guest writer account where you can log in and publish your articles. If you are new to WordPress I can walk you through the steps as it is extremely simple. Previously published work on your own site is also fine to re-publish here and in fact is encouraged as long as it is still relevant. Articles from many years ago about a person who has died or is now retired for example would not be relevant as we want to focus on current corruption.

By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

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