sorry joe it's time to go

Sorry Joe, It’s Time to Go: A Call for New Democratic Leadership. Joe Biden must pass the torch or Trump will almost certainly win in November and bring both the House and Senate with him.


This morning, while watching “Morning Joe,” I was taken aback by a call-in from President Biden. It’s part of his recent, and in my opinion, futile attempts to reinvigorate his campaign after his embarrassing debate performance. Although I’ll admit Biden sounded better than during the debate or his disastrous interview with George Stephanopoulos, age is not something that can be reversed or cured like a broken arm. Biden still sounds frail, weak, and slow—he still sounds very old and tired. This call-in only reinforced the points I made in my previous article in May, where I argued that Biden’s declining health and cognitive abilities make him unfit to lead our nation through another term.

Biden’s reluctance to undergo a neurological evaluation after his debate performance is telling. Despite multiple opportunities, he has refused to see a neurologist, raising serious concerns about his cognitive health. Age and health issues aside, Biden’s political career has been marked by scandals and mediocrity. His recent struggles are not a new development but rather a continuation of a pattern that has been evident for decades.

I first learned who Joe Biden was a long time ago when he was running for president and got caught plagiarizing a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock. He also lied about his ranking in law school. Biden clearly has wanted to be president for a very long time, and if Barack Obama had not picked this middling and boring senator out of obscurity and chosen him to be his vice president, then there is a 0% chance Biden would have ever had any chance to run again, let alone win. I have never liked or respected Biden since his raw ambitions were exposed back in the ’80s, but I held my nose and voted for him in 2020. I may not do so again unless he resigns. I won’t vote for Trump, but I refuse to vote for Biden either and to be perfectly frank, I think Kamala Harris is an even worse option than a catatonic Joe Biden.

Back in 2020, we had a real chance to have a capable leader. My personal favorite was Pete Buttigieg, though Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would have also made fantastic candidates. But unfortunately, the South Carolina kingmaker Rep. Jim Clyburn chose Biden because Biden promised to choose a black vice presidential nominee and a Supreme Court justice. Keep in mind that South Carolina is a solid Republican state, but the black voters in a Republican state chose Biden. So we have a decrepit president and an incompetent and idiotic vice president thanks to a DEI promise.

Joe Biden may not last out the remainder of this first presidency, and if by some miracle he defeats Trump and is elected again, he will almost certainly die soon into his second term, and we cannot afford a shift to Kamala Harris, who has absolutely none of the requisites to be a good leader.

Poll Data Analysis

Poll data provides a clear snapshot of public sentiment regarding Joe Biden’s presidency and potential re-election bid. Here are some key insights from various polls that highlight the challenges Biden faces and the shifting political landscape.

  1. Approval Ratings Decline: According to multiple sources, including a New York Times/Siena poll, Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted. The Ipsos poll indicated a drop in voter confidence in Biden’s mental fitness from 28 percent to 20 percent following the presidential debate against Trump. This decline reflects a growing disillusionment among voters with Biden’s handling of key issues such as the economy, immigration, and foreign policy.
  2. Perceptions of Cognitive Health: A significant concern among voters is Biden’s cognitive health. According to an article from Politico, post-debate polls showed a further decline in Biden’s support, with many Americans expressing doubts about his mental fitness. This concern was further exacerbated by Biden’s refusal to undergo a neurological evaluation, as noted in his interview with George Stephanopoulos and other public appearances.
  3. Comparative Favorability: Trump’s favorability is on the rise, creating a stark contrast with Biden’s declining approval. The poll data from the Washington Post highlights that Trump’s presidency is viewed more favorably than Biden’s by a significant portion of the electorate. This trend is particularly troubling for the Democratic Party, as it indicates a potential shift in voter loyalty back to Trump.
  4. Impact of Health Issues: The Washington Post reported that revelations about Biden’s past health issues, including his near-fatal brain aneurysm and the recent meeting with a Parkinson’s specialist, have further eroded public confidence. This decline in confidence is not just a reflection of Biden’s debate performance but an ongoing concern about his capacity to lead for another four years.
  5. Electoral Viability: According to Al Jazeera, potential replacements for Biden, such as Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, and Pete Buttigieg, have varying degrees of public support. Polls suggest that these candidates might fare better against Trump in the upcoming election, highlighting the urgent need for the Democratic Party to consider alternative options.
  6. Voter Dissatisfaction: An article from the Associated Press noted that Biden’s handling of key issues, particularly the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan and rising inflation, has led to a significant drop in his approval ratings. This dissatisfaction is reflected in recent polls showing a sharp decline in support from independent voters, a crucial demographic for securing election victory.
  7. Swing State Polls: Swing state polls are particularly telling. In key battleground states such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, Biden’s support is waning. For instance, recent polls from Michigan show Biden trailing Trump by 5 percentage points, a state he won in 2020. Similarly, in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, Trump is either tied or slightly ahead, indicating a significant shift in voter sentiment.
  8. Polling Trends: The Politico article emphasized that post-debate polls consistently show Biden trailing behind Trump. This trend is alarming for the Democratic Party, as it indicates a growing momentum for Trump and a weakening position for Biden as the incumbent.

In summary, the poll data paints a grim picture for Biden’s re-election prospects. The decline in approval ratings, concerns about cognitive health, and rising favorability for Trump all point to significant challenges ahead. The Democratic Party must take these insights seriously and consider the implications for the 2024 election.

Biden’s Early Career: The Plagiarism Scandal

In the 1980s, Joe Biden’s first attempt at the presidency was derailed by a scandal that highlighted his propensity for embellishment and deceit. Biden was caught plagiarizing a speech by British politician Neil Kinnock, a revelation that came to light in a New York Times article. The scandal didn’t end there. Biden also falsely claimed to have graduated in the top half of his law school class when he was, in fact, near the bottom. These early actions revealed Biden’s ambition and lack of integrity, traits that have continued to define his political career.

The plagiarism scandal was not just a minor hiccup but a significant blow to Biden’s credibility. It exposed a willingness to cut corners and take credit for others’ work, casting a long shadow over his political aspirations. His false claims about his academic achievements only added to the perception of dishonesty and desperation. Biden’s ambition was laid bare, and it was clear that he would go to great lengths to achieve his political goals, even if it meant compromising his integrity.

Biden’s early career was a rocky start that should have been a red flag. Instead, it was overlooked, and he was given another chance. This pattern of overlooking Biden’s flaws and shortcomings has continued throughout his career, culminating in his current struggles as president.

The Obama Years: A Transitional Figure

Vice President Selection

Joe Biden’s selection as Vice President by Barack Obama was a strategic move designed to balance the ticket. Obama, a relatively inexperienced senator with a meteoric rise, needed a seasoned politician to lend credibility and experience to his campaign. Enter Joe Biden, a longtime senator with decades of experience in Washington but little to show for it. Biden’s role as a “transitional figure” was clear—he was there to provide stability and reassurance to voters wary of Obama’s inexperience.

Before his VP nomination, Biden was relatively obscure on the national stage. His career was marked by years of being a middle-of-the-road senator without significant legislative achievements. Obama’s choice was more about optics than substance, a fact that became increasingly evident as Biden’s limitations came to light.

Achievements and Limitations

During his vice presidency, Biden did have some notable achievements. He played a key role in the passage of the Affordable Care Act, leveraging his relationships in the Senate to garner support. He was also instrumental in the Obama administration’s foreign policy, particularly in managing the withdrawal of troops from Iraq and overseeing policy towards Ukraine. However, these achievements were often overshadowed by his frequent gaffes and tendency to misspeak, earning him the moniker of “Gaffe Machine.”

Biden’s limitations were also apparent. He often seemed out of step with the younger, more progressive wing of the Democratic Party. His old-school approach to politics, while sometimes effective, was increasingly seen as outdated. Despite being in a position of power, Biden rarely stood out and often seemed to be riding Obama’s coattails rather than carving out his own legacy.

The 2020 Election

Biden’s Initial Struggles

Joe Biden’s initial struggles in the 2020 primaries were glaring and raised serious doubts about his viability as a candidate. He performed poorly in the early contests, often finishing behind younger, more dynamic candidates like Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders. His campaign seemed to lack energy and direction, leading many to question whether he could secure the Democratic nomination.

It wasn’t until the critical endorsement from Rep. Jim Clyburn in South Carolina that Biden’s fortunes began to change. Clyburn’s endorsement revitalized Biden’s campaign and helped him secure a decisive victory in South Carolina, which in turn propelled him to the nomination. However, this endorsement came with strings attached. Biden promised to select a Black vice presidential nominee and a Supreme Court justice, a move seen by many as a strategic play to secure the African American vote. This decision, while politically expedient, highlighted the transactional nature of Biden’s campaign and his willingness to make deals to secure power.

Election Campaign and Victory

The dynamics of the 2020 campaign were dominated by the contrast between Biden and Trump. Biden positioned himself as the antithesis of Trump—a calm, steady hand in contrast to Trump’s chaotic and divisive presidency. This strategy resonated with many voters tired of the turmoil of the Trump years. However, Biden’s campaign was not without its flaws. His frequent gaffes and occasional lapses in coherence raised questions about his fitness for office.

Despite these concerns, Biden’s message of unity and return to normalcy struck a chord with the electorate, leading to his victory. However, this victory was not a resounding mandate but rather a narrow win against an unpopular incumbent. The election underscored the deep divisions within the country and the challenges Biden would face in uniting a fractured nation.

Biden’s Presidency: A Catalogue of Challenges

Policy Failures

Biden’s presidency has been marked by several significant policy failures that have eroded public confidence in his leadership. The chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021 is perhaps the most glaring example. The hasty evacuation led to the deaths of 13 American service members and left many Afghan allies stranded, tarnishing Biden’s image as a competent leader.

Moreover, his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic, while initially praised for the rapid vaccine rollout, has faced criticism for inconsistent messaging and mandates. The administration’s inability to curb rising inflation has also been a significant point of contention. Polls indicate that many Americans view Biden’s economic policies as ineffective, with the rising cost of living becoming a primary concern for voters.

Biden’s handling of immigration has also drawn ire from both sides of the political spectrum. The situation at the southern border remains a contentious issue, with accusations of mismanagement and a lack of clear policy direction. These policy failures have contributed to a decline in his approval ratings, reflecting a growing disillusionment among the electorate.

Health Concerns

Biden’s health has been a persistent concern throughout his presidency. His public appearances often spark debates about his cognitive abilities, with numerous instances highlighting his mental decline. For example, during debates and interviews, Biden has frequently stumbled over his words and appeared confused. His refusal to undergo a neurological evaluation, despite repeated calls from critics, has only fueled speculation about his fitness for office.

Recent revelations about Biden’s health have added to these concerns. Reports indicate that he nearly died of a brain aneurysm in the late 1980s, requiring risky surgery that changed his life. More troubling is the recent news that a Parkinson’s specialist met with Biden’s physician at the White House earlier this year. These health issues, coupled with his advanced age, raise serious questions about his ability to serve a second term.

The Case for Stepping Aside

Political and Strategic Reasons

Joe Biden’s continued candidacy poses a significant risk to the Democratic Party’s chances in the next election. Current poll data and trends indicate a sharp decline in his support. Recent polls show that Biden’s approval ratings have plummeted, with many Americans expressing dissatisfaction with his handling of key issues such as the economy, immigration, and foreign policy. This decline is not just a temporary setback but a reflection of deeper concerns about his leadership and effectiveness.

Moreover, Biden’s age and health issues are increasingly becoming liabilities. His frailty and cognitive decline are evident in public appearances and debates, where he often appears confused and struggles to articulate his points clearly. These concerns are not just about optics but raise serious questions about his ability to handle the demands of the presidency, especially in a second term.

The political landscape is also shifting. Donald Trump, despite his controversies, continues to maintain a strong base of support. Polls indicate that Trump’s favorability is rising, while Biden’s is waning. This dynamic creates a dangerous scenario where Biden, already a weak candidate, could face an uphill battle against a revitalized Trump. The stakes are too high to gamble on Biden’s deteriorating capabilities.

Potential Replacements

To mitigate the risks associated with Joe Biden’s continued candidacy, the Democratic Party must consider potential replacements who can offer a fresh and dynamic alternative. Here are some viable candidates who could step in and rejuvenate the party’s chances:

Kamala Harris: While Kamala Harris is the current Vice President and a logical successor in the event of Biden stepping down, her candidacy presents several challenges. Harris has struggled to define her role and establish a strong public presence. Her approval ratings have been consistently low, and she has faced criticism for her handling of key issues, including immigration and criminal justice reform.

Harris’s performance in the primaries also raised concerns about her electability. She failed to gain significant traction and dropped out before the first votes were cast. Her campaign was marred by internal conflicts and a lack of clear direction, indicating potential weaknesses in her leadership abilities.

Moreover, Harris has been unable to dispel perceptions of being out of touch with the average American voter. Her speeches and public appearances often come across as scripted and insincere, failing to resonate with the electorate. These factors, combined with her lack of substantial achievements as Vice President, make her a risky choice for the Democratic Party.

Gavin Newsom: The Governor of California has been a strong campaign surrogate for Biden-Harris and has shown considerable political acumen. Newsom has been floated as a potential replacement due to his progressive policies and effective governance. He has campaigned in swing states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, demonstrating his commitment and appeal.

Gretchen Whitmer: The Governor of Michigan is a prominent figure in the Democratic Party, known for her decisive leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whitmer’s popularity in Michigan, a key battleground state, and her ability to connect with voters make her a strong contender. Her approval ratings suggest she could be a viable candidate against Trump.

JB Pritzker: The Governor of Illinois has gained attention for his strong stance against Trump and his progressive policies. Pritzker’s wealth and political influence, combined with his outspoken criticism of Trump, position him as a formidable candidate. His ability to mobilize support in a critical election could be a significant asset for the Democratic Party.

Josh Shapiro: The Governor of Pennsylvania, Shapiro has a track record of winning elections in a crucial swing state. His level-headed leadership and positive approval ratings make him an attractive candidate. However, his strong support for Israel amidst the Gaza conflict could polarize some voters within the Democratic Party.

Pete Buttigieg: The former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, and current Secretary of Transportation has shown remarkable political acumen and appeal, particularly among younger voters. His intelligence, eloquence, and moderate stance make him a strong contender.

These candidates present a range of options for the Democratic Party, each bringing unique strengths and appeal that could potentially counteract the challenges posed by Biden’s declining support and health concerns.

The Urgency of the Situation

The urgency for Biden to step aside cannot be overstated. The Democratic Party faces a critical juncture where it must decide between sticking with a weakened incumbent or pivoting to a stronger, more viable candidate. Biden’s continued candidacy not only jeopardizes the party’s chances in the next election but also risks the future of American politics.

Polls have shown a consistent decline in Biden’s approval ratings, and his performance in debates and interviews has only exacerbated concerns about his cognitive abilities and overall health. The Ipsos poll, for example, indicated a drop in voter confidence in Biden’s mental fitness from 28 percent to 20 percent following the presidential debate against Trump. This decline in confidence is not just a reflection of Biden’s debate performance but an ongoing concern about his capacity to lead for another four years.

Moreover, the recent revelations about Biden’s health, including his history of brain aneurysms and the meeting with a Parkinson’s specialist, underscore the need for a thorough evaluation of his fitness for office. These health issues, coupled with his advanced age, make it increasingly unlikely that he can effectively serve a second term.

The political landscape is also shifting rapidly. Trump’s favorability is rising, and his base remains strong and mobilized. The Democratic Party cannot afford to field a candidate who is perceived as weak and incapable of addressing the country’s pressing issues. The stakes are too high to ignore the signs of decline and the mounting evidence that Biden is not the leader the country needs at this pivotal moment.

Recognizing the need for change and acting decisively can provide the Democratic Party with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. It’s time for Biden to acknowledge his limitations and step aside for the good of the party and the nation.


Joe Biden stepping aside now could be seen as a heroic act of self-sacrifice for the greater good. By choosing to retire from his presidential bid, Biden would be remembered for his successful first term, marked by significant achievements such as the infrastructure bill, the American Rescue Plan, and efforts to combat COVID-19. His legacy would be that of a leader who recognized his limitations and made the ultimate sacrifice to save the country from the clutches of a potential Trump return.

If Biden continues his campaign, the risk is not only losing the presidency but also potentially handing over the Senate and House to the Republicans. This could have dire consequences for the country’s future, including the erosion of democratic norms and values. The stakes are too high to gamble on Biden’s deteriorating capabilities, and the party needs a candidate who can inspire confidence and lead effectively.

Even if Biden were 30 years younger, he might not be the best candidate to lead the party into the next election. His tenure has been marred by policy failures, health concerns, and a perceived inability to connect with the American people. Now, with mounting evidence of cognitive decline and possible health issues like Parkinson’s disease, the urgency for him to step aside becomes even more critical.

Biden’s refusal to see a neurologist despite concerns raised during debates and interviews is a significant red flag. It underscores the need for transparency and accountability in leadership. The American people deserve a president who is fully capable of handling the immense responsibilities of the office. By stepping aside, Biden can demonstrate his commitment to the country’s well-being and ensure that the Democratic Party fields a candidate who can truly represent the people’s interests.

The Democratic Party has a wealth of talented and capable leaders who can step in and lead the country forward. Figures like Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer, and Pete Buttigieg offer fresh perspectives and dynamic leadership that can inspire and mobilize voters. By making the tough decision to step aside, Biden can pave the way for these leaders to take the helm and guide the country through these challenging times.

In conclusion, Joe Biden must step aside for the sake of the party and the nation. His continued candidacy poses a significant risk to the Democratic Party’s chances in the next election and the future of American democracy. By stepping aside now, Biden can secure his legacy as a successful president who made the ultimate sacrifice to save the country from a potential Trump return. It is time for the Democratic Party to recognize the urgency of the situation and act decisively to ensure a brighter future for America.



Sorry Joe, It’s Time to Go: Biden must step aside for the good of the nation. Declining health and ineffective leadership risk our future. Read why new leadership is crucial.

By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

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