A rally (Video here) was held this past Saturday in Dublin seeking justice for David Hooks. If you are unfamiliar with this story you can read all of the gruesome and tragic details at these links.
Table of Contents
More Details and Questions About the Execution of David Hooks
Where is the National Media Attention over the David Hooks Story?
Rally’s are always a great idea, but we must make sure the people responsible understand the amount of outrage over the brutal murder of an innocent man by armed thugs with a badge. There are many people that share in the responsibility but perhaps the one that has the largest blame is Deputy Christopher S. Brewer. He is the one that set this chain of events in motion with his warrant that should have never been requested nor signed by a judge.
Please take 30 seconds and Sign this Petition right now and take a stand over the murder of an innocent man. Christopher Brewer needs to be suspended immediately.