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I happened to stumble across a video on Facebook. I am not much of a Facebook aficionado. I rarely check the news feed, but for some reason I decided to click play on this particular video and boy am I glad I did. The video I watched is not the one below but this one is worth watching as well. I’m a redneck and I love America. I looked at his channel and found this one below that I thought worth sharing.

First let me explain the title, this guy has a Youtube Channel and his name on Youtube is W Honky but his real name is Jorge Eugene Moran. He is a self-described redneck crusader fighting racism. He is a good ol’ boy that breaks almost every stereotype you can imagine.  I have reached out to him in the hopes he would agree to an interview. His videos are going viral and it is easy to understand why. He is a rising Youtube star. He may offend some and inspire others, but he is sure to make you question and think. The comments under his videos are almost universally positive with most wanting to give him a big hug.

When asked why he responded like that he said  “If I didn’t do something then It would make me a hypocrite, especially as much as I preach about white racial responsibility. As white folks we all have a moral responsibility to act and stand up against white supremacy no matter how small or overt it may be. What is worse than the actual racist is all the white folks that set in silence ignoring, denying and dismissing racism, not caring about racism is at the very core of the problem.”

Here is his original post on Facebook and this is his website.

Edit: When I posted those links both of those sites were working. They have both been taken down. I have updated his website with a cached version. In an article on Addicting Info published two days after my article here, it mentioned that he he prefers to use the name Dixon White and has a new Facebook page. His videos have now been viewed by millions and he now has a Facebook group called The Video Racial Healing Challenge. There’s also a web page, where all of the video responses are being gathered.

What would you had done if you had been that customer in the Bass Pro shop instead of Jorge Eugene Moran?

By Alan Wood

Musings of an unabashed and unapologetic liberal deep in the heart of a Red State. Crusader against obscurantism. Optimistic curmudgeon, snark jockey, lovably opinionated purveyor of wisdom and truth. Multi-lingual world traveler and part-time irreverent philosopher who dabbles in writing, political analysis, and social commentary. Attempting to provide some sanity and clarity to complex issues with a dash of sardonic wit and humor. Thanks for visiting!

10 thoughts on “Honky Discusses Racism At a Bass Pro Shop”
    1. Dixon White is the name he wishes to be called in his videos. My information is correct but his website under his real name and also his Facebook page have now been taken down after I published my article. I have edited it with an explanation.

  1. Dixon White is his character.Or nom-de-plume. Sort of like Mark Twain for Samuel Clemens, or George Orwell for Eric Blair.

    Here’s the original article from the Examiner when this incident occurred last year:

    Also read his bio from his own website, where he reveals his true ancestry (Cubano father, schizophrenic mom) and his ongoing mental health issues battling clinical depression:

    1. I saw that article. At first when I heard he was an actor I was very skeptical that this was an invented story to further his career, but he insists it was real and happened. I also saw that he has a history of depression as do millions of other Americans. I realize this incident took place a year ago but I think his video still is very relevant. I only saw it last night. I am not advocating that people follow his actions he described in his video, but I liked the fact that it makes people think about racism in a whole new way. He has a number of other videos on his youtube channel some more recent as well. Love him, hate him, agree or disagree with him, the one thing you can’t do is ignore him because he forces everyone to think about some uncomfortable topics. We are so used to politicians and their double-speak that when you hear that type of in-your-face brutal honesty with so much passion and conviction it forces you to rethink your own views. If we ever hope to defeat racism among all races we need this type of frank discussion for any change to ever occur in my opinion.

      1. Why wouldn’t you advocate that people follow his actions? An employee represents the company they work for, and it would behoove everyone to report this type of behavior to management and corporate. Why wouldn’t you? He stated that he never got anyone in corporate to acknowledge him and that in researching Basspro he found racism rampant within the stores. The more people that call Basspro out on this, the more they have will be forced into contemplating the issue, and the more publicity this type of corporate support of racism gets the more they will have to rethink their position. It may not change things today, but a little chip here and a little nudge there and things can change. Yes, frank discussion, which means exposing racism and racists every time you encounter it. Challenge people, the more challenges that they are confronted with the more they have to think about it. Speak up, every single time… it’s the only way to move forward.

        1. Perhaps I should have said I don’t advocate for or against the actions he took Janet. I agree that we need to stand up against racism but I don’t think everyone is that aggressively confrontational. Instead of going to other customers or employees for example, some might have gone straight to the manager to complain.

  2. how come you liberals never talk about the whites getting murdered in South Africa today or about the epidemic of black on white violence? Why doesn’t that disgust you as much as when whites use ‘offensive’ language? Besides, if you are so afraid of being a ‘liberal in a Red State’ why not move then? Why not let us ‘racist Red State people’ just be amongst ourselves?

    1. Because black people dot have military power, corporate power or political power to hurt white people as a group, but white people have all these powers to hurt black people as a group. There has white on black violence for over 40p years. Black on white violence is minimal and has only started in the last 30 years.

  3. Dixon White really Jorge Moran is a phony baloney like Larry the Cable guy the difference is Dixon was born in Tennessee a former confederate state while Larry was born in Nebraska which was not. Furthermore Larry is satire while Dixon whines like a bear cub treed by wolves in a nature film though not as cute as the cub. In short anyone who takes advice from a fat drunk country dumb whiny white trash cracker jack peckerwood honky tonk redneck is a fool.

  4. Because black people dot have military power, corporate power or political power to hurt white people as a group, but white by have all these powers to hurt black people as a group. There has white on black violence for over 40p years. Black on white violence is minimal and has only started in the last 30 years.

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